Tuesday 22 December 2015

Studio Ghibli Films Playing Everyday On Film 4, Even On Weekdays (December 2015)

Forgot to rotate the images - posted in order of time from latest.

At 12:30 today I went on Film 4 to find Nausicaa Of The Valley Of The Wind playing. 
Today's Tuesday - so it's fair to say that Studio Ghibli films are playing everyday, not just on weekends, but also on weekdays.

But I'm still unsure of whether this is for a short time only since it's Christmas, or if its generally going to repeat everyday.

Sunday 20 December 2015

Sunday Today: Porco Rosso On Film 4 (British TV)

At 12:00 I randomly tuned in to Film 4 to suddenly see Porco Rosso playing, already 4/5 into the film.
My face suddenly lit up, it's one of my favourite Ghibli films - I didn't watch it, but I took these three images.

Reminds me of back in late March/Early April when I first watched it on Film 4. Ahh...

Saturday 19 December 2015

Studio Ghibli Films Airing On Film 4 Every Weekend: Arrietty Today

For the past couple of weeks I've noticed that Studio Ghibli films have been playing on weekends - though I'm not sure if they play during weekdays too, as I'm not home during these days; with the coming holiday, I'll be able to confirm whether they do play on weekdays or not, though.)

Today Arrietty is playing again - and damn, the memories coming from it are great.

Whenever I hear the memorable music, I constantly get chills and get reminded of the magic of it from when I watched it back in late March/early April during the Easter Holidays this year.

Then I get reminded of when I watched it back when I was 11/12, of how I didn't manage to complete it (I think) and yet I still remembered it.
Those were the days!

Here's three screenshots I managed to get - I'm not watching it though, only listening to it while I type this:

You gotta love this song.

But I had to watch that ending again: as soon as I heard the goodbyes, I went straight to the TV to But I had to watch that ending again: as soon as I heard the goodbyes, I went straight to the TV to watch it. Memories man, I wonder where the Borrowers went to next. I wonder if Sho's still alive, or if he passed away because of his heart condition.

EDIT (16/02/16): Turned out that this was a Christmas Studio Ghibli Season. Ghibli films stopped playing after the New Year, far as I know.