Read the spoilers last week, just before school ----> Mind = Blown
Woke my brother up just to tell him what was revealed - I've never done this before.
When I left home and was on the bus, I was thinking of what was just revealed in the chapter, and the future of the series.
What was revealed regarding the Road Poneglyphs and their being with the Yonko seemed like a novel idea; it seemed like a race to collect all Poneglyphs.
With two of them being in the hands of powerful (in all ways) pirates and one of them's location being 'lost', having to be found.
Plus it was convenient that the RPs are with Kaidou and Big Mom, seeing as how the Straw Hats plan on defeating or meeting them either way.
But damn, the first few hours of learning of these revelations were sick.
Then after school on that day I read the chapter, which had a poor translation. Re-read it after.
Even today I decided to print an image of the same exact 'X-Marks-The-Spot' Map to put in my art collage.
That's how amazing the chapter was. Never has Oda revealed so much in just one chapter.
Revelations of the chapter:
Damn we haven't seen Raftel for time.
The 4 Road Poneglyphs lead to four different locations.
Damn. Oden. Roger. Damn.
I'm calling it, the Kouzuki were a clan of the Ancient Kingdom, similar to the D.
Either that or they're D. themselves.
Momonosuke is a descendant of the Ancient Kingdom.